A network built from all characters killed in battle and those who killed them grouped by dynasty. This is the largest connected component in the network, there are over 180 different smaller connected components in total that are not connected to this one.
The network is colored by the culture of the node which is taken from the save file. This is set when the dynasty is founded and does not change during the game. Nodes represent dynasties and vertices represent a battle between two dynasties, resulting in the death of a member of one of the dynasties. Nodes are sized by PageRank; larger nodes are more popular (kill or have lost dynasty members in battle) and are connected to more popular nodes.
India is isolated and heavily interconnected in the top right. The Vengi Chalukya overthrew the Ay dynasty to take control of south India and where then driven back by the Ayudha of north India who expanded southward before losing control to the Vidurathpalid. Near the dead centre is the Uuidoch, Kings of Scotland, who took the Kingdom of Greece from the Mel, Kings of England (unconnected, to their left) who had liberated it in a Crusade. The Uuidoch are connected to the Kritopolos dynasty who were elected to rule Byzantium. These dynasties would have fought during the Byzantine reconquest of Greece. In the bottom right are the Penikis who held the Kingdoms of Lithuania, Poland, Rus, Finland and Bulgaria, necessitating many battles.
Hover over a node to get its name, culture and religion or click on a node to see its ego network.
View the same network colored by Religion. Read the Full Article or view other CK2 Networks.