This network consists of all holders of Kingdom and Empire level titles, their children and the dynasties that these marry into. Nodes represent dynasties and vertices represent a marriage between two dynasties. Nodes are sized by PageRank; larger nodes are more popular and are connected ("married") to more popular nodes.
Marriage between dynasties is important in Crusader Kings 2 for establishing alliances. In times of war a King can call upon his in-laws to aid him but can also be dragged into the wars being waged against them. A King or Emperor will also try to marry their children off to high status individuals as marrying into a dynasty that only holds a barony or a county can incure a penelty to prestige.
The network is colored based on whether the dynasty held a Kindom or Empire level title or not. Orange nodes held titles, blue did not. The larger titles on the left represent the Karlings, the Af Munso of Sweden and the Uuidoch of Scotland and briefly a crusade liberated Greece. Around the centre are the Isaid of the Kingdom of Abyssinia, the Abbasid of the Empire of Arabia and the Kritopolos and Anchabadze dynasties which both ruled Byzantium.
The European dynasties are clustered on the left of the network while those of India are on the right. At the top of the centre are the Pagan dynasties of Scandinavia, Eastern Europe and the Mongols. In the centre are the dynasties of Byzantium which in this game converted early to Islam and is thus closer to the the neighboring clusters of the Levantine(right of Byzantium), North Africian/Egypt (bottom right) and Andalusian (bottom left) dynasties.
Hover over a node to get its name, culture and religion or click on a node to see its ego network.
View the same network colored by Culture, by Cluster or by Religion. Read the Full Article or view other CK2 Networks.